The Urban Design Project received a small grant from the UB Canadian-American Studies Committee entitled, “Mapping Niagara.” The goal of this project has been to identify existing databases and sources of information on the binational Niagara Region and to make this information available through various web postings.

This research confirmed what many researchers know: there are not many shared data sources that address both sides of the border. Given this situation, we have included “complementary” data sets where possible, indicating similar sources of data from each country.

The primary goal was to offer information regarding interactive databases; however, we found that many sources provide data but have restricted access to the database itself. All of the databases in Regional Niagara, for example, are restricted. To aid researchers, we have therefore included information on selected data sets on how to access data by institution or agency and a contact person for each.



Mapping Niagara: Data Sources for the Niagara Region

Mapping Niagara: Data Sources for the Niagara Region